Back to School

Back to School Cover Art

by John Choura / January 23, 2017/ 1 Minute Read

I'm going back to school... But, errrr uh... probably not in the way you're thinking.

I'm going back to teach!

This spring I'll be tromping back to my alma mater (Biola University) to teach as an adjunct professor of design. This has been in the works for a while now, and I can't express enough how honored I am to be taking this up.

I'll be instructing one night class, to start off, so as to not interfere with my role at Payoff. I do have a lot to say, as it relates to the importance and place of education for designers. I'll write about some of that, as well as posting updates happening in the classroom. Stay tuned for that in the near future.

One last thought! This all wouldn't have happened if not for the mentorship and guidance of Daniel Chang, the head of the design program at Biola. He's entrusted me to take over his classes while he's out on sabbatical, I promise to do my best.


Credit: Adam Sandler's Billy Madison for the "Back to School" gif.